If you have women in your family , then you must know some important facts.
Why we women are so afraid ? why we have to think a lot for doing things which we want to do? Why are character is pointed out , if we are wearing short clothes? etc , etc. These a lot of questions goes on but no one tell us , what to do or not. And I am sure every single women have these question ones in their life. So here , I am with facts which help you and all country people. "Women are the real architects of society." When a girl is born people are happy but when she grows up family starts worrying about them , then they try to stop their girls to go alone , they afraid to send them outside , they think if their girls will go outside then will become bad , they will forget their manners, they will make boyfriends or may be they join bad company but why we do not think same think for men? this a big problem in our society all restriction is for women but no restrict...